Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome ukhti!

    • How to use this course

    • Owning up!

    • Inner Healing Tips Live session

    • Inner Healing Tips HANDOUT

    • Self-care soul search webinar

    • Copy of Self-care soul search bklet


    • Audio walk through brain dumping

    • Building Emotional Intelligence

    • Get familiar with your emotions

    • Managing the emotion

    • Guard your soul

    • He studies you, do you study yourself?

    • AA4U Quran and Tadabbur Q5 Duha

    • AA4U Quran and Tadabbur Q5 Inshirah

    • Seerah 4

    • If Rasulullah Peace and Blessings Be upon Him came to visit...

    • Getting to know The Ultimate Healer

  • 2


    • Change your body image

    • Forgiveness worksheet

  • 3

    Building Happiness

    • Causes of Unhappiness

    • Ways to Happiness part 1

    • Ways to happiness part 2

    • Copy of Ways to happiness part 3

    • Ways to happiness part 4

    • Q&A regarding building a happy life

    • At the core of your suffering

  • 4

    Next Steps...

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

Start NOW!

The longer you wait, the longer you delay the process of inner healing. Take the steps now! Bismillah!


  • What does this healing package include?

    Alhamdulillah the inner healing coaching has two packages: ***The 1st package is the self study package which offers the following: Flexible payment options of $355 per month and 3 coaching sessions of 45 minutes each with Certified Master Coach and NLP Practitioner Sister Binta Umm Yahya. *** The VIP inner healing package includes 7 coaching sessions of 45 minutes each along with additional support throughout the package. The VIP package also offers flexible payment options of $307 per month.

  • When would the sessions be scheduled?

    This will be addressed with the client upon booking as the scheduling will depend on the type of packages selected.

  • Are you a counselor?

    No I am not. This package does NOT serve as a replacement to therapy. This is a coaching package NOT therapy. While counselors or therapists often deal with a patient’s mental/emotional conditions and/or processing trauma, a life coach never addresses such issues. The role of a life coach, in its most simple form, is to encourage, coach and/or act as a facilitator of a client’s self-reflection, decision making, planning for the future, and creating life changes. While clear boundaries exist between coaching and therapy, due to the legal obligations and requirements for practicing therapy, there are many similarities. Both therapists and coaches work one-on-one with clients in an ongoing relationship. Certain psychological principles and theoretical frameworks are used in both therapy and coaching in order to facilitate positive life change.

  • Do you do Ruqyah?

    No. There is no Ruqyah session in this package. There is information to build awareness and advice as to how to protect oneself from shayateen and evil but if you are in need of a person who does ruqyah, I recommend that you seek a qualified raqee for that. May Allah preserve us. Aameen.

The gift of inner peace!

  • Gift yourself inner peace!

    Are you ready to gain the tools to protect yourself, to manage your thoughts, reframe unhelpful thoughts, build a more positive life and connect with your Maker, The Ultimate Healer? If so, book your coaching package NOW! Time to do good is NOW! Gift yourself this opportunity to grow inner peace! Invest in yourself now.

Start NOW!

The longer you wait, the longer you delay the process of inner healing. Take the steps now! Bismillah!